Hepco & Becker's 620.940 00 01 strayker bags have an elegant style while maintaining a high quality appearance. These sophisticated bags have a rough yet subtle texture as the outer shell making them robust and waterproof in daily use. They are made of synthetic soft touch material encompassed with a leather attribute. Not too small or big as each bag has a 23 liter capacity. Some features are the extremely rugged metal locks, ergonomic carrying handle, and embossed metal logo. There are only a few bags out there with quality such as this to the point where you would be happy to supplement it for a briefcase. Optional accessories include inner bags and rain covers that are sold separately.
The mounting system for these bags is available in either the C-Bow version (620.945) or leather bag version (620.940). The C-Bow consists of a very discrete C shaped mounting plate that accepts the Street soft bag and Strayker side cases. The leather bag holder is a smaller version of the trademark mounting system that accepts all leather bags and Strayker bag version.
Note: It should be noted that unlike the Hepco&Becker hard cases the Strayker bags have a lid that opens upwards and towards the seat; this means that the Straykers may need to be removed from the bike in order to fully open the lid. This is not always the case but can happen with certain bikes with large passenger grab handles or rear rack/top case combinations.
External Dimensions for side cases are approximately:23 liters 14.2" height x 18.5" width x 9.8" depthColor: Black and Silver
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